Sunday, May 5, 2013

"DogUNITED" by Wanda Armstead Smith

Carlito is Back!
It's mid fall and several months has passed since our Carlito went to stay with his foster pet parents. In "Pet Therapy Soothes the Soul" I explained why we had to get rid of him. After my dog left, my heart ached for months. It felt as though I was mourning the loss of a family member. Alast! We had found a cute little bungalo ranch for rent in the Atlanta suburbs and were planning to move in a couple of weeks. We found a place who allowed us to bring him...I'm just grateful there is no HOA or any covenant restrictions. I was so happy we could finally get our Carlito back permanently! So happy, in fact, I reunited with him a little sooner so that he could transition more easily with us during the move. Though he needed a good grooming, upon external inpection, he seemed of good health...just a few bumps and knicks but internally he was still the same. And no fleas or ticks (yeah!) But unfortunately he was rotten! Ok… So perhaps he has always been a wee bit rotten before, but now he returns with more baggage…From now being allowed to sit on the couch to just being hard-headed…I’d say his stay was pretty adventurous to say the least! As I sit here thinking about his first days back, I chuckle when I recall seeing Carlito stretched out enjoying some sleep under my desk as I worked. And it was as if he was relieved he could finally get some good rest. As we settled in, we tried to give him a little space to re-adjust, but not without some much needed exercise and discipline! For the most part though he just slept and hung aroung me most of the time for the first few days. But practically fit right in and didn’t seem to miss a beat. While he was showered with much love and attention—having lived in a mullti-family foster home with 5 active children, a another puppy and 5 adults— let’s just say…he seemed to appreciate the peace.

A New Home…New Surroundings
We knew we had found the right place when we took him over to check out (aka sniff out) the new place before we moved in. Upon entering, he carefully went from room to room sniffing like a dog...but more like the canine version of a HGTV's show host Mike, the home inspector who comes in and makes it all better. Then we opened the door to his doggie paradise...a chain link fence surrounded by a dense forest centered in the back...a place where red cardinals frequent, dreadful winter trees bloosoms beautiful buds in the spring and squirrels galore!...After stopping to appreciate the landscape, he ran around in that back yard as if he had been there before! Like he knew it was his! My husband and I both looked at each other with confirmation…he just ran around, stopping to explore his surroundings...we were pleased to see him so content.

It was a blessing that we were finally able to move! Although Carlito has the perfect temperament as an apartment dog, we knew it was not worth the battle to keep him in that environment (apartment living-blah). Now with breed restriction woes behind us, we had to move on. Though we've had to move several times since adopting him, Carlito is always a trooper and has demonstrated remarkable adaptability. Despite a history of instability, his "social butterfly" status still reigns!...Now, we are finally back in a home, although not quite as big as the first house he came home to, but where he has a nice fenced yard with plenty of squirrels and cats to chase. Not to mention he's happy to be finally back with his family. And so are we!...I think he tries to thank us as much as he can!###

Sunday, November 4, 2012


There’s nothing like a little pet therapy to brighten your mood! In fact, experts say, having a pet -like a dog- actually has some proven medical and psychological benefits. I am living proof of this! I think God knew exactly what he was doing when he created animals. Although they can’t talk, they have a way of communicating with us in ways that humans can’t, showing unconditional love. I think there are people put on this earth like me who are simply more sensitive to animals. And I am very unapologetic for that, but often ridiculed. Don’t get me wrong, I DO NOT LIKE ALL PETS, especially if the owners are not balanced. However, for those who really know me, there’s no secret I’ve always been a big pet lover. While I’m no dog whisperer, I just share a connection with them that is not always understood by humans. I’ve even been bit a couple of times, but I've always had dreams of becoming a Veterinarian. Practically all my life, I’ve always had pets. From guinea pigs, hamsters, parakeets, cats and dogs…I’ve loved them all!

My First Love…
I grew up with a black, collie-mix (like the one pictured above), named 99. She had been in my family in DC even before I was born! According to my mom, she named her this because she was 1 picked out of 99 other dogs in the pound. 99 was what you’d call a mutt, but one of the smartest and sweetest dogs I know. Being the youngest of five children, having a pet to connect to was essential during a time when there was a lot going on at home. Most of my siblings were much older so I found solace in hanging out with 99, as she became my best friend during some rough times in my life. She was the kind of dog that was so in tune with me, she would often console me when I was sad. In fact, we were so close, my siblings still laugh and tease me when they recall stories of me kneeling on all fours with 99 trying to eat with her. When we moved from DC to NC, naturally we took her along. After being with my family for many years, I was devastated when I found out the truth as to why she had gone away. One day while living in an apartment in Kinston, NC 99 wouldn’t allow the (unannounced) maintenance worker into our apartment. Although she was just doing her job, my mom was told she had to go. First, I was told our dog ran away but I didn’t believe that! I knew my 99 wouldn’t leave me like that. Later, I would learn the truth of how my mom had to make the tough decision to get rid of her or lose our place. I cried for months and to this day, I still don’t let my mom live that one down! "You know you got rid of my dog!" I would say jokingly.(LOL)

A New Love…
While I’ve owned other dogs, Carlito would prove to be the only one to meet the standards of 99. I heard from a friend, who had recently adopted a puppy, there were more pupplies left in a litter. I was planning to buy one but they were already gone by the time I was ready. At the time, I hadn’t gotten permission from my landlord to even get a dog so I had to pass. But as fate would have it, one of the dogs from the litter needed to be rescued. Turns out, the owner wasn’t supposed to have any animals and were forced to give up their dog. According to the owner, he had taken the pit bull mix to an animal hospital where he was to be rescued by an agency but this never happened. By the time I heard the news, Carlito had been sent to the local pound and expected to be put the sleep in just 3 days! The landlord had already given me the green light so I didn’t hesitate to step up. The owner gave me verbal authorization to act on his behalf so I went to claim the dog from the pound. While my husband was paying the penalty fees to bail him out of doggy jail, I proceeded to the back in search of Carlito. He was now about 8 months old and I had only seen a picture of him sent to me via text. However, it didn’t take me long to find him. I walked around the entire pound, searching cage by cage. Soon I would approach a cage of what looked like him. He had that brindle patch over one eye like the dog from the Little Rascals. “Carlito!” I yelled. He was obviously depressed, but he looked up with his big pretty eyes and responded by wagging his tail. I ran and got an attendant to have him released. He was just a puppy but you would have thought he was freaking Hannibal the way they had him hooked up to the thickest leash they had. As soon as I entered the lobby with Carlito, he immediately jumped up and put his paws on my hubby’s lap as if he had known us all his life. (or just happy as hell he had been saved from execution-LOL). We were allowed to leave but with citation in hand and a swift warning that if he was caught off leash again, the fine would be doubled. Confused but not deterred, we brought home our new family addition.

The Perfect Home…
Carlito had a 3,000 square foot home and an acre of land to live and play. He loved playing in the fenced back yard, chasing the birds, rabbits and rolling around in the Georgia red dirt. He once intervened when a black snake crawled in my path. Although he doesn't look like the average dog in his breed, he has some American Pit Bull Terrier in his blood. Because of his blood line, he is not welcome in most communities, especially apartments. I guess it doesn’t matter that he is more socialized and has more manners than most dogs I know. I worked with him daily, crate training him and teaching him to sit and fetch. (He’s also a little spoiled!-LOL)

Giving Him Away…
After I closed down my business, we downsized and moved to a 900 square foot apartment with no yard. As hard as it was, I was willing to give Carlito away to the right family. I had asked around and was fortunate to find the mother of his previous owner to take him in. What a coincidence! Although the initial plan was for them to adopt him, after they saw how much we loved him, they agreed to foster him until we could afford to move again. Carlito is now about 3 years old and has been away for a couple of months. I miss him dearly and have to admit I didn’t realize how depressed I was that he left. As I’ve attempted to endure the mourning process,I’ve found that people think you are crazy and don’t take your depression seriously when they see you “crying over a damn dog!” I remember the day we thought we were saying our last goodbyes. It was a dark day, in fact, but I was trying to be strong. My hubby and I spent the day bonding with him and taking lots of pics and videos. Giving him up was almost as bad as getting rid of your own child. It was a painstaking task but due to breed restrictions, I had to get rid of him shortly after I moved. At first, they told us we could keep him but the decision was later overturned. Not a day goes by I don’t think about him, as he’s part of our family.

Savoring the Moment…
I’m always up for some pet therapy! I get so excited when Carlito’s foster pet parents bring him to visit. However, bringing him back home has proven to be difficult because each time he leaves, I have to say good-bye all over again. Of course, I’m also a bit concerned because I always wonder whether he will remember me each time or whether I’m doing him more harm than good. As soon as I see them pull up, I could see Carlito, pulling them on his leash trying to get to my door. Once he’s close enough to my entrance, they would let him off the leash and I would greet him with a big hug. While each time I see him is painful, it is also quite therapeutic. No matter what mood I’m in, somehow he has a way of making me smile. I sometimes suffer from depression and Carlito is always there to lift me up when I’m sad, sometimes even trying to lick my tears. While I don’t disregard the role of humans, the bond you share with a dog can’t be explained. I firmly believe that when done properly, having the responsibility of a dog can actually keep you balanced, both physically and mentally. You can't be lazy when you have a dog to take care of. Regular exercise and good mental health build great character. You have to be balanced to be a good pack leader! Well, I look forward to the day that we are permanently reunited. I don’t care much about what others think about me, but I’d have to say I’m a better person when I have pets around. Carlito, my angel, has changed my life! And for now, writing about it is my therapy!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Carlito Plays w/Brother

"I really miss my brother, Tip!...We used to play together all the time" -Carlito